Amy Levy
Linda Hunt Beckman
Not Available
Our Lady of Victorian Feminism
Kimberly Van Esveld Adams
Hidden Hands
Patricia E Johnson
Christina Rossetti and Illustration
Lorraine Janzen Kooistra
Women, Work, and Representation
Lynn Mae Alexander
Anglophone Poetry in Colonial India, 1780–1913
Mary Ellis Gibson
Charity & Condescension
Daniel Siegel
Anglophone Poetry in Colonial India, 1780-1913
A Room of His Own
Barbara J Black
The Victorian Novel of Adulthood
Rebecca Elise Rainof
The Illustrated Letters of Richard Doyle to His Father, 1842-1843
Richard Doyle
Drawing on the Victorians
Anna Maria Jones and 1 more
The Plot Thickens
Mary Elizabeth Leighton and 1 more
Michael Field
Sarah Parker and 1 more
The Moxon Tennyson
Simon Cooke
Indian Angles
Religious Imaginaries
Karen Dieleman
The Wake of Wellington
Peter W Sinnema
Poetry, Pictures, and Popular Publishing
Charity and Condescension
Textile Orientalisms
Suchitra Choudhury
Melodramatic Imperial Writing
Neil Hultgren
Culture and Money in the Nineteenth Century
Daniel Bivona and 1 more
Love Among the Poets
Pearl ChaozonBauer and 1 more
The Brontës and the Fairy Tale
Jessica Campbell